It's the Territory Hearing promise to be right beside you every step of the way on your journey to better hearing. We know these are unique times, so we want to ensure we have all the right tools in place to be there for you.
Try our telehealth services! Receive a hearing consultation and get remote hearing care and fine-tunings of your hearing aids - all from the comfort of your couch.
Doctors recommend people over age 60 get their hearing screened annually. Your Territory Hearing care professional will guide you through the steps of the hearing consultation.
Ready to start hearing better? The first step begins with understanding your health history and lifestyle needs. Are you outdoorsy? Do you frequent restaurants and public places? Do you enjoy television, music, movies or lectures? Do you work full time? All of these details factor into the kind of hearing aids that are right for you.
If you've taken a hearing exam and hearing aids are recommended, we'll show you the many styles of Territory Hearing aids that may be right for you. You can try on actual hearing aids to determine the best fit.
Today is a great day to start hearing what matters the most to you. Book your appointment now. We look forward to meeting you!