Home Visit

Here at The Hearing Specialist, we offer safe and friendly hearing tests and hearing appointments from the comfort of your own home. Being able to hear is a vital part of everyday life and we know how hearing loss can affect you emotionally, mentally and physically. This is why we offer our home visits - we prioritise your health above all else and we strongly advise you to book a hearing test if you feel your hearing is starting to deteriorate.

More on our home visits

Should you decide you would like a home visit from one of our professional team members, we will gladly travel to you – we understand this is where you feel most comfortable and we want you to feel as secure as possible. Upon our arrival we will provide a thorough hearing test using the latest computerised equipment.

If, by the end of our visit you may need hearing aids then you won’t have to wait long for them – you can be fitted with technology to suit you, there and then if you wish. We pride ourselves on giving the best possible service to all of our customers, as our commitment to you, our customer, you won’t be waiting long for your hearing to improve.

Testing your hearing from the comfort of your home

Before deciding to book an appointment with us we encourage all of our customers to get familiar with some of the common symptoms of hearing loss. These include difficulty understanding people, muffling of speech and needing to turn up the sound on your devices. If you are still unsure of the common symptoms then there's no need to panic - by calling one of our expert audiologists, you're taking a big step towards improving your hearing for the future.