Many people experience an occasional ringing in the ears or you may hear a sound such as roaring, buzzing, hissing, or whizzing noise. This constant internal sound that does not improve is referred to as tinnitus.
Tinnitus is an awareness of sound in the ears or head which is not from an external source. There are many different types of tinnitus sounds. Common descriptions are that it is a hiss, whistle, whirr, ring or buzz. Occasionally, it can be segments of music. The pitch can be high or low and the level can vary over time.
In its mildest form, tinnitus is extremely common and many people experience occasional sounds in their ears, for example after being in a noisy place such as a concert. An estimated 10% of the UK adult population experience tinnitus frequently. Around 5% find it affects their quality of life.
There are two main types: subjective and objective tinnitus.
Whatever the trigger for tinnitus, it causes a change to the transmission of the signal going from the ear to the part of the brain where sound is processed, known as the auditory cortex. This means that some parts of the auditory cortex do not receive signals as they used to. In some people, this area reacts by developing spontaneous ‘chatter’, which becomes synchronised to create the illusion of sound. Over time, this firing pattern is strengthened and the tinnitus can become a constant sound.
The following factors are known to be involved in the development of tinnitus:
Tinnitus often occurs along with some degree of hearing loss. But around one in every three people with tinnitus does not have any problem with their hearing.
Noise is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. A single incident experienced at close range may permanently damage your hearing in an instant. Repeated exposures to loud noise over an extended period of time present serious risks to human hearing.
For more than one in ten suffering chronic tinnitus the problem stems from a neck or head injury.
Any ear infection can cause blockage of hearing, and so make the occurrence of tinnitus more likely.
There are several diseases of the ear that can occur in an otherwise healthy person, all of which can cause hearing loss and so make the occurrence of tinnitus more likely.
Certain medications, both prescription and over the counter, can cause tinnitus. Tinnitus is cited as a potential side effect for about 200 prescription and non-prescription drugs.
How you manage your tinnitus may have a connection with the level of stress you are under. If you have a high level of stress there is a greater chance that you will be troubled by your tinnitus.