Why Choose Us

Australia is a migrant country and Darwin is the multicultural capital of Australia in many respects and there are so many migrants and First Nation People of Australia in Darwin which makes Darwin purely a multicultural and multilingual paradise. We need many Hearing Specialists who understand and able to speak many languages and are able to understand the unique needs of many long term residents of Darwin and migrants from different countries and the senior citizens continue to speak their mother tongue at home and English outside. There are more migrants from Asia in Darwin due to the close proximity to Asia. 1 in 6 Australians have hearing loss and that number is increasing rapidly due to our aging population and due to other health conditions.

Hearing health not only affect our hearing but it affects our social interactions, emotional well being, can feel a sense of isolation, depression and anxiety and overall well being. Australia has a fantastic Hearing Services Program were people with Centrelink pension and concession card holders and DVA clinets with Gold and White cards will be eligible for government funded hearing aids with a provision to upgrade their hearing aids at their own expense.